Mix parsley with water to look 20 years younger! Anti-aging collagen
Parsley will make you look 17 years old no matter your age / Anti-Aging Collagen with Parsley
Cilantro, regardless of your age, will make you feel 17 years old!
Anti-aging collagen, combating skin aging and eliminating blemishes, stronger than Botox, for whitening the skin and getting rid of wrinkles. The Magical Anti Aging Serum, Stronger Than BotoX Removes Wrinkles
Cilantro removes wrinkles and moisturizes the skin.
Crush the cilantro, add water, and simmer over low heat. Let it cool, then strain half of it.
Put the toner in a bottle, apply the mixture on the face and neck daily. A natural toner that moisturizes the skin.
Strain the cilantro mixture, prepare the exfoliator with a tablespoon of yogurt and two tablespoons of sugar. Mix well and apply it on the skin and neck twice a week. Wash your face, it removes wrinkles and pigmentation, whitens the skin, and closes the pores.
1 view
5 months ago 00:05:04 1
البطاطس تصبح لذيذة جدًا ومقرمشة عند تحضيرها بهذه الطريقة السهلة! Delicious and crispy potatoes
5 months ago 00:08:17 1
امزجي البقدونس مع الم
6 months ago 00:08:22 1
كفتة العدس ألذ من اللحم عندما تحضر بهذه الطريقة السهلة! Lentil kofta is better than meat in this way
2 years ago 00:04:49 1
طبخ اللحم بهذه الطريقة السهلة يجعلها من ألذ الوصفات 😋 Cooking meat that tastes amazing