Top 5 Best RACE Horses You Must OWN (Location & Rankings) - RDR 2 Rare & Special Horse Guide.
Discover Unique Horses and Where to Find Them - RDR2 Rare & Special Horse Guide!
Complete location guide of all war horses with stats. This new video includes the location of rarest and special Race Horses. How to get Best, Fastest & MOST Rare Race Horses. Fastest Horses are a Wild Horse, meaning it can be found in the wild, tamed, and acquired for free as a horse in RDR2. Best Race Horses in RDR 2: Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter, Amber Champagne Missouri Fox Trotter, Dapple
...d Black Thoroughbred, Brindle Thoroughbred and Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota!
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⏰ Video Highlights (TIMESTAMPS):
0:00 Best Race Horses
0:16 Dappled Black Thoroughbred
2:08 Amber Champagne Missouri Fox Trotter
3:25 Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota
4:37 Brindle Thoroughbred
5:51 SiShow more