[Eng Sub]Matcha mousse cake 我Amanda带着既美又作的抹茶甜点又来了!【曼食慢语】*4K

▋Introduction 今天的这个渐变抹茶慕斯蛋糕,没别的,就一个字:好看!自己都忍不住夸自己:我怎么这么能耐呢!不仅颜值高,味道也绝对能让抹茶控一本满足,一个蛋糕能吃到四种浓度的香醇抹茶慕斯,而慕斯的口感像冰淇淋一样轻盈顺滑,吃再多也不会觉得腻,我一个人就能吃光这个6寸小蛋糕~ ▋Ingredients [Chiffon cake]- for the 20*30cm mold 3 eggs 25g vegetable oil 60g sugar 1 tbsp matcha powder a pinch of salt 60g milk 60g cake flour 3个 鸡蛋 25g 植物油 60g 细砂糖 1大勺 抹茶粉 1小撮 盐 60g 牛奶 60g 低筋面粉 [mousse paste]- for a 6 inch matcha mousse cake 2 slices of Gelatine (12g) 1tbsp matcha powder 125g milk 70g sugar 175g cream 100g mascarpone cheese (cream cheese wou
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