Two days ago, 09. february, was 37-th anniversary of death of one of the most notorious chekists-Yuri Andropov. Although, he wasn’t originally in Cheka, he was head of the KGB, NKVD’s successor. During his presidency of the KGB, which lasted from 1967 to 1982, KGB grew to one of the most efficient, admired and feared intelligence agencies, home and abroad, especially in USA, abroad, and disidents movements, at home. He was General Secretary of the CPSU (de facto leader of USSR) for 14 months, from 1982 to 1984. Many historians consider his reforms and fight against corruption more structural then revisionist Glasnost and Perestroika, which led to dissolution of USSR. I guess we will never know. I personally think that he was the only one who could have saved USSR. Andropov was legend, real legend! Glory to him and to USSR!!
I’m again using this song, couldn’t find any other that fits better to Andropov’s personality and role in Soviet history. Also, song is beautifull!!
Чекист рожден в борьбе, мужал в сраженьях жарких.
С той пламенной поры немало лет прошло -
Фуражку со звездой, потертую кожанку
В музее положили под стекло.
The Chekist was born in struggle, matured in hot battles.
Many years have passed since that fiery time -
Peaked cap with a star, shabby leather jacket
In the museum they put it under glass.
Но враг готовит нам опять огни и войны,
И тучи тяжело нависли над землей.
Советская страна пусть трудится спокойно,
А нам, товарищ, рано на покой.
But the enemy is preparing us again fires and wars,
And the clouds hung heavily over the ground.
Let the Soviet country work calmly,
And we, comrade, are early to retire.
Не беда, что в висках седина,
И порой до утра не уснуть.
Мы готовы с тобой, старина,
Повторить этот огненный путь.
It doesn’t matter that there are gray hairs in the temples,
And sometimes you can’t sleep until morning.
We are ready with you, old man,
Repeat this fiery path.
О наших именах не прочитать в газетах,
Но чтоб прошла беда над миром стороной,
Пусть до утра не спят в рабочих кабинетах
Майоры с генеральской сединой.
Вам в руки вложен щит и меч родной державы -
Врагу не одолеть незыблемый редут.
Овеянные вечной, негасимой славой,
Традиции Дзержинского живут.
You can’t read about our names in the newspapers,
But so that trouble passes over the world side,
Let them not sleep in their offices until morning
Majors with generals’ gray hair.
The shield and sword of your native land are in your hands -
The enemy cannot overcome the unshakable redoubt.
Covered with eternal, unquenchable glory,
Dzerzhinsky’s traditions live on.
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