GGST ▰ China (#1 Ranked Happy Chaos) vs Snake Eyez (#1 Ranked Potemkin). Guilty Gear Strive

China is currently #1 Ranked Chaos and Snake Eyez is #1 Ranked Pot in Guilty Gear Strive (December 2, 2021). Watch the most effective combos and strategy by both players in high level matches. 📌 Potemkin matches playlist: 📌 Happy Chaos matches playlist: 📌 #1 RANKED Potemkin vs ALL characters: 📌 #1 RANKED Chaos vs ALL characters: 💪 If you like this video, please subscribe! #ggst #guiltygearstrive #guiltygear #strive #highlevelgameplay #ggst_hc #ggst_po
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