The first three sequences in this clip (the first 25 seconds roughly) are NOT from the show.
While waiting for the sequences from the actual episode to render I was thinking about what we see and don’t see in the episode. The Q’Quan energy reserves are low, a pile of transports had earlier left and there’s a fair bit of debris floating around, so this was obviously towards the end of a longer exchange between the Narn and Centauri.
I started playing around with some ideas that touched on those unseen events. They’re not based on any unused scene files or anything like that. Just a bit of
... fun. Whether it helps the overall sequence in any way, or totally buggers it up is viewers choice. :)
Extending sequences is certainly something that can be done for a few episodes. Like the battle in Severed Dreams (showing the Hyperions or how the Churchill possibly got so damaged). I dunno, this was just a quickie but more extensive sequences can be made . . . . . any preference one way or another leave a commShow more