How To Sidechain in FL Studio 20 (The Right Way!)

This tutorial will show you how to sidechain in FL Studio 20. Sidechaining is one of the most important mixing tools available to you as a music producer. Sidechaining is essential to create space for your kick and bass in the mix. Without sidechaining, your mix will often end up sounding muddy and muffled. So what exactly is sidechaining? Sidechaining is basically volume ducking. It ensures that various elements in the mix duck in volume and gets out of the way so that the kick and bass can cut through the mix without problems. If you want to learn mixing and mastering, sidechaining is something you need to know how to use and set up, and in this video I will show you several different ways to set up and use sidechaining in FL Studio 20. The first method I will show you is how to set up and use old-school sidechain compression using a compressor. This is the correct way to use sidechaining, and it will work on anything, no matter what kind of kick pattern you use. I will also show you how to set up sidec
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