7 Things You Can Bury in the Garden to Add FREE Nutrients

You can easily add fertilizer and nutrients to you garden by burying these 7 things in your garden. These 7 things, kitchen scraps, eggs shells, cardboard, bread, coffee grounds, grass clippings, and fallen leaves add organic matter in the soil, attracts earthworms, and increases the microbial activity in the soil. In addition to burying these things, you should not bury woodchips, #Garden #Gardening #daisycreekfarms 0:22 Kitchen Scraps 2:06 Egg Shells 2:55 Cardboard 3:38 Stale Bread 4:02 Coffee Grounds 4:30 Grass Clippings 4:33 Fallen Leaves ___________________ SECOND CHANNEL: Daisy Creek Animals Videos all about Animals on our Farm ____________________ UPICK AND VISIT THE FARM If you are in California and would like to Visit the Farm for UPick Email me at info@ Visit our Website at ____________________ EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS
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