How Islam appeared in the Caucasus
Now it seems to many that the Caucasus has been Muslim for centuries, but this is not so. Islam began its offensive movement to the north in the 7th century, but in many places it met fierce resistance and spread widely in the North Caucasus only in the 13-16th centuries. Before that, polytheism was widespread in the Caucasus, and Christianity flourished in many places.
Historians attribute the emergence of Islam in the North Caucasus, primarily with the expansion of the Arab caliphate, who fought against the Sisanids, the dynasty of Persian rulers who had great influence in the Caucasus, and with the Khazar Khaganate, under whose authority the lands of Dagestan were partially under power. The caliphate at that time was a huge and powerful state, stretching from the Atlantic to India.
Dagestan was of strategic importance to the Arabs. Spreading influence on him, the Caliphate defended himself from the warlike Khazars and got at his disposal trade routes. The battle continued with varying success: the Arabs even captured Derbent, but the Khazars, in alliance with the local tribes, threw them south.
By the eighth century, the border of the Caliphate passed along the Caucasus Range near the city. Fortresses built by Arabs on the border became the first bastions of Islam. In 732, Derbent was taken by Caliph Maslama ibn Abdul-Malik. He built several mosques and settlements of the city with natives of the caliphate, sowing the first seeds of Islamization in the North Caucasus.
The next ruler, Mervan Ibn Muhammad, continued the work of his brother and began to conquer the inner regions of Dagestan, spreading Islam. The defeated peoples were taxed: they were obliged to supply the Arabs with grain and slaves - boys and girls. This state of affairs lasted quite a long time. The population resisted the conquerors and tried to maintain their faith, including Christianity.
The Caliphate collapsed soon, but from the 10th century, Derbent became the site of the spread of Islamization in the North Caucasus.
Как ислам Появился на кавказе, как Лезгины приняли Ислам, кто первый принял Ислам на Кавказе, как кавказцы приняли ислам, как дагестан принял Ислам, как Ислам появился в Дагестанеи и Чечне
Сейчас многим кажется, что Кавказ испокон веков был мусульманским, но это не так. Ислам начал свое наступательное движение на север в VII веке, но во многих местах встретил ожесточенное сопротивление и широко распространился на Северном Кавказе лишь в XIII–XVI веках. До этого на Кавказе было распространено многобожие, а во многих местах процветало христианство.
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