China to US, Japan: Stop inciting bloc confrontation, stop interfering in China’s domestic affairs
Beijing Youth Daily: My colleague asked a question about the Japan-US 2 2 meeting and the Japan-US ministerial meeting on extended deterrence. In addition to these two events, the Japan-Australia-India-US Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was also held in Tokyo between Sunday and Monday. The joint statement issued by the Japan-US 2 2 meeting criticized China’s foreign policy. What’s China’s comments?
Lin Jian: Despite China’s grave concerns, Japan and the US grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Xizang, and falsely accused China on maritime issues. Under the Cold War mentality, those two countries have been practicing bloc politics, inciting bloc confrontation, damaging regional peace and stability, and harming other countries’ security interest. China firmly opposes this and has lodged serious protests with the Japanese side through diplomatic channel. We call on Japan to view China in an objective and rational light, stop its political manipulation on China’s domestic affairs, stop making provocations on maritime issues, stop ganging up with countries outside the region to create division and confrontation in the region, follow a path of peaceful development, and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the wider international community through concrete actions.
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