Love: The Universal Constant ✧ 111Hz/444Hz ✧ Healing Ambient Meditation Music Therapy

☀️ Subscribe: This song is tuned to A=444Hz, which is several octaves higher than 111Hz. Two sine waves, 111Hz and 888Hz, are played subtly in the background. On the musical scale, tuning to A=444Hz makes the C note 528Hz. This tuning was famously used by John Lennon in the song Imagine: It is also said by Dr. Leonard Horowitz to be the very frequency of creation. For example, chlorophyl is at 528nm in the color wavelength. #111Hz #444Hz #HealingMusic #MeditationMusic #TherapyMusic #CalmingMusic ----------------- 🎼 | Buy this track → ✨ | Mettaverse on Facebook → ✨ | Mettaverse on ...Instagram → 🌱 | Donate to Mettaverse → 🎨 | Check out my Art → ----------------- Mettaverse music is creating healing music and soundscapes for all walks of life. Sound is soul, it calls you to remember your natural state: one of peace, relaxation, better sleep, creative flow, focus, and inner peace. Metta-verse is a vision of reality directly connected to the heart and soul of what makes us human beings, what brings us all together. “Metta“ is a term in Pāli meaning unconditional loving kindness, a love directly from the cosmic spark deep inside your soul. Mettaverse started as a vision of one man, using music as a universal language, simply to bring people together. Resonating as one heart, as one love. Always, here and now. May this music bring you peace, healing, and happiness. 💜 ----------------- More great music 🔊 ► Chill Space: ► The Psychedelic Muse: ► Cosmic Soundwaves: ► Savvas Kalt: ► Downtempo Vibes: ----------------- 🖖 Sound frequency and music therapy are wonderful and effective healing modalities, however they are not intended to fully replace professional medical or counseling advice. If you are experiencing a mental or physical illness, always seek help from a trusted therapist or doctor. Copyright Mettaverse, LLC.
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