Dance of the Sugar Plum Clefairy (A Pokémon Christmas Song)

iTunes: Amazon: Clefairy will be home for Christmas. In your home, specifically. LYRICS: On cold, snowy nights, The Legends all say that once you leave home, Clefairies come play... Late at night, Clefairy Does a dance- Loves to prance- Wears your pants- as Clefairies do. Eats your sweets and throws your Underwear Everywhere! Coats your chair’s Seat in crazy glue! Just for fun, Clefairy Makes a beard! Gets it smeared! Acting weird’s what Clefairies do! ...raves in the halls! ...painting the walls! ...hundreds of scrawls of the moon! Clefairy golf may seem bizarre, but on the green, they’re -mostly- par. Then batter’s up! A perfect swing! Clefairy’s... breaking all your things... He flees the scen
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