Full Speech: After Biden-Putin summit Belarus appeal to U.S. politicians

В ролике русские субтитры. After President #Biden and Russia’s President #Putin met in Geneva at a summit, Belarusian citizens appeal to U.S. politicians. Aleksandr #Lukashenko threatens to send Russian troops to Belarus - to fight women, children and oldery people who dared to vote against the dictatorship and came out in the streets to defend their choice. We took to the streets to peacefully defend our votes, which were stolen from us by the criminal and bloody regime. Yes, we tried all the peaceful methods, but they didn’t work. But we cannot retreat, because the bloody regime continues to kill and torture our loved ones. There is no way back. We, the defenders of democracy and freedom, sometimes here a question: “Well, when will you calm down?“ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▶Subscribe to our channel: ▶Check out our merch:
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