The Black Swan, The Grey Swan & The Rainbow Swan
Maybe Black Swans Are In Fact Anti-Mandelbrot Swans
Innsbruck, Austria, Spring 2012
What I mean is the fuzziness of this Swan; or better, as Black Swans and Grey Swans a quite fuzzy as well, the exponential , non-linear fuzziness of the Meta Swan !
We are living in Extremistan !
We have the White Swan, opposite the Black Swan and the Grey Swan opposite the Meta Swan !
This just the theory; just like simplified coordinates.
Or in other words: with the Grey Swan we try to make Black ones White or bring them at least closer to being White Swans ,it’s gradual, and the dirty Meta Swan tries to make the would-be White ones Grey, Black or at least closer to being a Black Swan !
So, the idea here is that maybe some, few or even many Black Swans, like they could be Grey Swans for some people, could be Meta Swans. Or one could call it a Dirty Swan as well as one could say the Meta Swan is a very specific case of the Grey Swan !
Why this ?
We remember, it depends on the point of view and on who is observing any phenomenon, if its Black or maybe Grey.
So, imagine an entity, a person, group of people, company, state, whatever form of consciousness or Alien King observes a phenomenon; or better an environment heavily stuffed with loads of potentially close-to-explosion Black Swans. For the observer in the know these ones would not be Black Swans but Grey Swans; at least in theory.
So now the observer has option:
1.) Wait, shut up and watch the upcoming while preparing or not; we don’t care right now about details here. Kind of doing nothing but at least staying aware and awake – neutral.
2.) Start to dig deeper into this obvious heavy distortion of human perception of reality and feel the need to talk to your fellow human brothers and sisters aka the other participants in this Life Role Play, because it maybe would at least offer a chance to make things better.
3.) Or the observer gets active as well, but in the other direction and is trying to launch, imitate or actively stage Black Swans. These wouldn’t be real Black Swans; this is the Dirty Swan – The Meta Swan.
But this is only the very primitiv form of the Meta Swan.
The far more elaborate form is not just simply staging whatever event but by fully applying the observer’s knowledge of the Black Swan Phenomenon and simply encourage and keep up the Not-Knowing of the other participants of this specific environment. Or in other words, make sure there are no ways for this system to re-calibrate itself to get rid of the giant potential of heavy internal & external Black Swan Pressure.
Something like:
Keep them locked up and let ’em kill themselves ! The kettle-them-in-and-boil-them-theory !
Ok, I slow down a bit but maybe you got a taste of where I want to go with this.
I like call these phenomenons the Dirty Swan and maybe you start to understand why I feel them dirty ?
Besides, primitiv Dirty Swans can be part of fully implementing Dirty Swan Projects, which could be part of even more complex projects which could be part of…
We are living in Extremistan, right ?!
Could it be that behind most of Black Swans are in fact Meta Swans ?
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