Deux Filles - The Letter

From the album Silence and wisdon - (1982) Some info from the web Simon Turner and Colin Lloyd Tucker created the personas of two tragic French women, even appearing in gauzily-photographed drag on the album covers. The tongue in cheek deception so fascinates reviewers that the actual contents of the albums go all but unnoticed. This is a shame, because Deux Filles’ 1982 debut Silence and Wisdom is a lovely album with much to recommend it. Ambient pop in the tradition of then-current artists like the Lost Jockey and Virginia Astley (whose From Gardens Where We Feel Secure this album strongly resembles in its use of found sound and ambient recordings), Silence and Wisdom blends watery piano, occasionally ghostly vocals, sheets of synthesizers, heavily processed guitars, and only the barest minimum of percussion into an excellent example of post-Eno, pre-Orb ambient music. Much more structured than Eno’s early experiments in the style, these 15 brief pieces are surprisingly varied, from odd
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