Two Subs Launched (1969)

Two submarines are launched as hunt goes on for Loch Ness monster. Scotland. LS Loch Ness. MS yellow submarine being prepared for launching. CU Dan Taylor, who built the submarine, standing in conning tower. CU Dan Taylor putting electronic equipment onboard. MS Vickers submarine ’Pisces’ being prepared for launching. CU front of Vickers submarine showing the manipulator arm reaching out to pick up a log. CU man climbing in conning tower of ’Pisces’. Top shot man going down inside. Interior CU man at electronic controls. MS yellow submarine being lowered into water by crane. MS line of cameramen. MS yellow submarine now in the water. CU showing diver releasing sling round submarine. MS Vickers submarine in water. CU Vickers engineer talking through microphone in touch with submarine ’Pisces’. MS showing Vickers submarine submerged with only top of conning tower above water. MS showing cameraman with long lens camera. CU showing man with binoculars and long lens camera. He lowers the binocular
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