Russian Pilots refuse to Fly their Jets | 12 Planes shot down in a Week! | Ukraine War Update

My Patreon page was deleted, consider supporting here: Keep an eye on my trips to Ukraine on my instagram: Artur Rehi Podcast: Check out my twitter for major events on the Ukrainian war: My Tiktok: @rehiartur Russian economy is holding but only due to war of aggression. As soon as they lose, the economy collapses. Russia is afraid of NATO troops in Ukraine Public sources: Military map: Thumbnail done by Yaroslav: Russia is afraid of NATO troops in Ukraine: Plan to send NATO troops in Ukraine to guard non-Russian borders: Ukrainian soldier is rotated to rest and surprises his son: Ukrainian drones drop spikes on the roads to eliminate Russian logistics: Who really won the second World War, U.S. Aid to USSR: Navalnys funeral: The church cross on Alexei Navalny’s grave is hidden behind flowers: Analysis of Navalnys death and funeral: Cars with Russian registration plates must leave Lithuania by March 11, or they will be confiscated The British-owned bulk carrier Rubymar has now sunk after it was hit by Houthi anti-ship missile 2 weeks ago: Putin memes: The Netherlands announced 22 weaponised speedboats to Ukraine: Russian economy is holding but only due to war of aggression: Until my next video Stay cool my friends! Bye bye!
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