OPEN MEEEE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I shouldn’t bother about saying it, but DON’T without my permisssion. C: x’d Yeah, its been a while, but here it is, a shitpost in the highest quality that im able to make xD... dude, im struggling a lot with the time, ya know, this is my last year of school, so... be patiente if i dont show any signs of life xDDDDD Im actually working on more projects, so.. stay tunned, Youtube soon will unlock the community u,w,u Total of Hours?????: No. Hours, no. This took like a MOnth. dang ._. Programs: Krita, Sony Vegas pro 11. Yeah, i still need Vacations My social media xd: Twitter: ​ Instagram: ​ Tumblr: ​ Facebook: ​ Deviantart: ​ Newgrounds: ...
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