9500BC Vedic Civilization Discovered, The OTHER HISTORY Academics Struggle With NOW OPENLY Discussed

The Archaeological legacy of Gobekli Tepe, remains from this period the earliest record humanity and was written about in Indian culture, the Vedas and Yugas. Composed in archaic, or Vedic, Sanskrit, generally dated between 6500 and 1800 BCE, and transmitted orally, the Vedas comprise four major texts—the Rig-, the Sama-, the Yajur-, and the Atharvaveda. Of these, the Rigveda is believed to be the earliest. The texts consist of hymns, charms, spells, and ritual observations current among the Indo-European-speaking people known as Sanskritics (from Sanskrit, “noble”), who presumably entered India from Gobekli Tepe. DTTV Publications Books by Ryan Moorhen moorhen htt
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