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The McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) AV-8B Harrier II is a single-engine ground-attack aircraft that constitutes the second generation of the Harrier Jump Jet family, capable of vertical or short takeoff and landing (V/STOL). The aircraft is primarily employed on light attack or multi-role missions, ranging from close air support of ground troops to armed reconnaissance. The AV-8B is used by the United States Marine Corps (USMC), the Spanish Navy, and the Italian Navy. A variant of the AV-8B, the British Aerospace Harrier II, was developed for the British military, while another, the TAV-8B, is a dedicated two-seat trainer. Typically operated from small aircraft carriers, large amphibious assault ships and simple forward operating bases, AV-8Bs have participated in numerous military and humanitarian operations, proving themselves versatile assets. U.S. Army General Norman Schwarzkopf named the USMC Harrier II as one of several important weapons in the Gulf War. It has also served in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan since 2001, the Iraq War since 2003, and was used in Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya in 2011. Italian and Spanish Harrier IIs have taken part in overseas conflicts in conjunction with NATO coalitions. During its service history, the AV-8B has had a high accident rate, related to the percentage of time spent in critical take-off and landing phases. USMC and Italian Navy AV-8Bs are being replaced by the Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II, with the former expected to operate its Harriers until 2025.
AV-8B Harrier II — семейство штурмовиков вертикального взлёта и посадки. AV-8B Harrier II является развитием ранней модификации AV-8A Harrier. Применялся американской стороной во время войны в Афганистане. В ходе операции против Ливии (2011) «Харриерами» морской пехоты были уничтожены 35 танков Т-72 и ряд другой техники и вооружения, включая ракету Скад. Harrier был надёжным и универсальным самолётом, однако его эксплуатация в подразделениях морской пехоты США быстро выявила недостатки — маленькую дальность полёта и небольшую бомбовую нагрузку.
4 months ago 00:05:49 1
AV-8B Harrier II Showing the Insane Jump on Aircraft Carrier
5 months ago 00:20:53 1
5 months ago 00:00:32 1
Navy CIWS Gun System Locks Onto Incoming Aircraft
5 months ago 00:07:29 1
The first fighter to defy gravity-AV-8B Harrier II
6 months ago 00:15:05 1
US AV-8B Harrier II Showing its Insane Vertical Capability Over Water
7 months ago 00:04:12 19
AV-8B Plus Harrier (War Thunder Cinematic)
8 months ago 00:08:45 1
Benvenuti Marina Militare! ITS Cavour and Carrier Air Wing arrive in Darwin for Pitch Black 24. - YouTube
9 months ago 00:17:11 9
Heatblur F-4E Phantom II First Impressions - WOW! | DCS World