EMERGENCY State!⚠️ Blocked Streets! Huge Floods In Argentina!

EMERGENCY State! Blocked Streets! Huge Floods In Argentina! Natural disasters in Argentina. August, 19 2023: Huge floods in Argentina, Buenos aires. A tale of nature’s fury that unfolded in the heart of Argentina! Imagine a scene straight out of a disaster movie, where the very streets of Buenos Aires were swallowed by the wrath of relentless floods! In a shocking twist of fate, the heavens above La Plata unleashed a barrage of heavy rains, accompanied by fierce hailstones, turning the lives of unsuspecting residents into a harrowing nightmare. On that fateful Thursday, August 17, chaos reigned as the deluge wreaked havoc, sparing neither street nor house from its watery grasp. ---------------------------- Natural disasters have become more frequent than usual and really We do not know what the future hides from us. How climate changes and global warming will affect our planet and our life too. On our channel you Watch the most current news about cli
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