Takip edipte, gelmeyene, bilip de sevmeyene, sahte yüzlere, sahte gözlere, sahte sözlere... Sahte özlere...
“Sen kendini biliyor musun? “
Gerçek beni bildiğin kesin.
I’m on the ground, Everything you have
give it to me, give it to me back now
This what, what you need,
From the ground, cut your feet
Pay now, ask me how
Can I get one big wow?
get out bitch, its our place
If you are, not true race
You Have no right, on my ground
If I not, accept your sound
Shut the fuck up, and die,
Don’t ask me Why?
This for you, for my lovers
My Love for you is big
Where is my people, people for my gang pick
remove this from the ground
this fake, fuck face
Let together show them Now
Our real own race