Germany’s Food - The Truth Aka German’s Food - The Truth (1946)

Item title reads - Germany’s food. The truth. Intertitle - ’Pathe sent in a team of investigators to Germany to reveal the food situation. Their probe was thorough, impartial and complete ....This film lays bare the facts, and helps you objectively to see the truth emerging from a welter of conflicting reports .... official statement by Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir Sholto Douglas, C-in-C British zone of Germany.’ Two British housewives discuss bread rationing in a baker’s shop with the baker. One says British food is going to feed Germans, the other woman says the German people are starving. The baker says we should be worrying about ourselves. Various shots in Germany of people shouting and fighting because of the lack of food. M/S’s of a ship carrying grain to Germany. M/S of food driven away on lorries. Various shots of young women wearing nice dresses and smiling. Various shots of people being weighed and measured for signs of malnutrition. Various shots of people dealing in the black market, s
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