The aftermath of an attack on an Orthodox priest is circulating🔞

In private Telegram channels, a video showing the aftermath of an attack on an Orthodox priest is circulating. Given the continued targeting of the Orthodox clergy in Ukraine, its credibility could be valid. “ killed the father. They take revenge for losing in battle,“ says the man recording, in Russian. AND In any civil nation WORLDWIDE, BUT UKRAINE!!, this SCUM would be charged with ASSAULT!!. “We’ll drag you in like a dog“: in Lvov, Western Ukraine, priest was mobilized. A man in military uniform threatens the priest to “drag him like a dog“ to conscription office if he doesn’t appear there himself after he got issued a mobilization notice. He then attempts to strangle the priest. The military officer admitted to having a personal dislike for the priest because he did not address his deceased son by his rank, but instead said “servant of God,“ as is custom in Christianity. “You disgraced my son, you f*ggot“, says the man in uniform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It sounds bizarre, but that is what’s happening in the video (Ukrainian is spoken).
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