SUNDAY WITH OLA 154 RIFF CHALLENGE - KEVIN FRASARD Hey all. So I’ve been pretty MIA for a while due to a pinched nerve injury that set me back from not only playing guitar, but also with my everyday hustle as a drywaller. I suffered a C7/C8 spinal injury when I woke up to stretch 7 weeks ago, and as I was stretching in bed to move on with my day I felt a loud “pop“. I instantly felt the pain and discomfort as I began losing feeling in my right hand. My 3rd and 4th fingers, palm, forearm, elbow, and into my lat/rhomboid area have all been affected. After many weeks of chiropractic visits, resting, and rehabilitative exercises it has gotten much better. I am slowly being able to play guitar again, and do what I enjoy doing. I was feeling pretty low and uninspired for a while, but I knew that I’d make my way back. I just didn’t know how long it might be. So here is my contribution to the SWOLA riff challenge 154. Hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you all for the support!!!
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