Keyboard Madness ft. Danny Carey “Clean Up Your Scene“ Live at Custom Vintage Keyboards

“Clean Up Your Scene“ written and performed by Jeff Babko, Mitch Forman, and Danny Carey Keyboard Madness is: Jeff Babko - All the keyboards Mitch Forman - All the keyboards Featuring: Danny Carey - All the drums Keyboards played: 1959 68’ Custom Hammond A100 Organ (cut down/modified) Early 1960’s Leslie 122 1963 Fender Rhodes Gold Top Bass 1964 Mellotron M400 1966 Wurlitzer 140B (custom zebra wood/brass) 1967 Vox Continental Late 1960’s Rheem Kee Bass 1968 Fender Contempo Combo Organ 1969 Wurlitzer 200 (fully restored) Gold Top Late 1960’s Rheem Key Bass 1971 GE Tote-A-Tune (mod...ified with sub bass) 1972 Hohner Clavinet D6 1972, 74, 76 Fender Rhodes Suitcase (custom walnut and gold) 1974 Univox Mini-KORG (custom zebra wood) 1977 Hohner String Performer 1984 Roland Juno HS-60 Recorded live January 22nd 2019 in the Custom Vintage Keyboards showroom in North Hollywood, CA. Recorded and mixed by Brian Starley, Bergatron Music Mastered by Nick Townsend at Townsend Mastering Proudly supported by: “Live at CV-Keys“ is produced by Brian Starley and Luke Jones All Live at CV-Keys are recorded with: AEA microphones, AKG microphones, Audio Technica microphones, BAE preamps, Beyer Dynamic microphones, CAPI preamps, Heritage Audio preamps, Mojave Microphones, Sennheiser microphones, Shure microphones, Universal Audio preamps/interfaces, UAD software. Want to sponsor the show and have your gear used to record? Contact us either in the comments or via direct message.
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