HEAVEN through BACH & Classical Guitar - World Premier -Lianto Tjahjoputro
*HEAVEN through Bach & Classical Guitar*
*The Most Difficult & Phenomenal Pieces in the World of Classical Guitar*
_*Guitarist & Transcription: Lianto Tjahjoputro*_
This video is dedicated to my wife, Mathilda Graseira.
3 BACH’S MASTERWORKS - Johann Sebastian Bach (Germany, 1685-1750)
00:00:00 JOHANNES PASSION BWV 245 - Herr unser herrscher
00:11:58 CHACONNE, Partita No. 2 BWV 1004
00:27:50 MATTHÄUS PASSION BWV 244 (St. Matthew Passion) - Kommt ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen
Bali is a paradise island, they say, not only by its beautiful island that surrounded by ocean and many volcanoes, but its immense culture and spirituality. I take my time to sit on the beach or other beautiful places by laying out a mat and playing guitar in the nature almost every afternoon. The piece that I usually play is ’Heaven through Bach and Classical Guitar’, which consists of three Bach’s spiritual works that make us not want to play other songs when we enter into these heavenly pieces.
I made this video to describe paradise, Bach, and the magical exotic island of Bali.
I feel grateful to see the greatness of God and Heaven through my guitar playing with Bach.
For those of you who want to give a sincere appreciation for me in the form of a donation, you can send it to:
BCA Bank: 7680279416 (Lianto Tjahjoputro)
e-mail: liantotjahjoputro@
3 BACH’S MASTERWORK according to Lianto Tjahjoputro
JOHANNES PASSION - Herr unser herrscher - J.S. Bach BWV 245 is my meditation accompanist’s song since I was in junior high school. In 2008, I tried to transcript this song (from choir & orchestra original to guitar) slowly & carefully without thinking when I can play the piece. This transcript finished in 2 years, and in the end of November 2010, this is the hardest piece for me and forced much energy in my life. It is very fatiguing. From all of pieces. For me personally, this song has the energy from the bottom of the earth bursting upwards like energy from Buana Alit (microcosm) to Buwana Agung (macrocosm). In 2014, I revised my transcription to fill the violin section in the opening for 3 years.
MATTHÄUS PASSION Bach BWV 244 (St. Matthew Passion)
I transcribed this work after completing the transcription of Johannes Passion in 2010 for 3 years. Every time I did a transcription of 7 bars, I practiced it directly on the guitar. The purpose was that if my finger was still able to fill in other notes, I immediately filled those notes. I really did it actively and thoroughly. After it went on for 2 years and it wasn’t finished, I panicked. I was afraid that I would die before finishing this transcription. It turned out that before Christmas on 2013, God allowed me to upload it on Youtube. For me personally, this song has the energy from above Sang Buwana Agung (macrocosm) emitting loving energy to Buana Alit (microcosm), so it is the opposite of Johannes Passion. Johannes Passion Herr unser Herrscher and Matthäus Passion Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen are my WORLD PREMIERE in the history of world guitar transcription.
CHACONNE, Partita No. 2 BWV 1004
I’ve been playing this song since I was 16. Among Bach’s Sonatas & Partita, for me personally Chaconne is the most unique one, because this piece contains various variations of different feelings in one title like Beethoven era. The unique fact is that some players keep the tempo, while others follow the path of their feelings, so that each player plays Chaconne in different versions. For me personally, Chaconne is Bach as a human being and his feelings. Johannes Passion - Herr unser herrscher is Bach bursting from the microcosm in search of the Creator (macrocosm), while Matthäus Passion Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen is the Creator (macrocosm) giving light of love to Bach human nature (microcosm).
Lianto Tjahjoputro virtuoso guitarist from Indonesia
Lianto Tjahjoputro plays Johann Sebastian Bach
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