Братья и сестры спасают брата после того, как он пробирается в бассейн || ViralHog

Occurred on August 18, 2020 / Benicia, California, USA “My kids had just gone swimming, I brought my then 2-year-old inside to get dressed. I went to get his clothes and, before I realized it, he ran back outside. Thank god my then 9-year-old daughter Bella and 6-year-old daughter Priscilla were still outside and saw Maximus go into the pool. Bella didn’t hesitate to jump in and pull her brother out, Priscilla got a towel and wrapped it around him. I came out shortly after and was so proud of my girls but also so upset at myself. I should have closed the pool and will always remember how close I came to losing my baby. Max is totally fine and he is taking swim lessons now. He will always remember when his big sister saved his life.“ Contact licensing@ to license this or any ViralHog video. Make money from your videos! Submit footage here: Subscribe, Like, or Follow ViralHog: YouTube: Facebo
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