South Park - “There’s No Canada Like French Canada“
Season 7 - Episode 15 - “It’s Christmas in Canada“
There’z no Canada like French Canada, it’z za bezt Canada in ze land.
Ze ozer Canada is hardly Canada. If you lived here for a day, you’d understand.
Mime: Honh honh honnnh! Welcome to French Canada.
Hockey Player: We have everyzing your heart could desire. Trapezes. Trampolines. And lots and lots of cheese.
Artist: Would you like a moustache?
Rick: Just stay calm, boys. French Canadians are a little... odd.
Stan: Ah, we’re just passing through to see the new Prime Minister.
Mime: Well first you must answer that phone. [makes his left hand into a phone receiver]
Ring-ring. Ring-ring.
Kyle: We don’t have time for this.
Mime: You cannot pass through French Canada unless you take zat phone call! Ring-ring. Ring-ring.
Kyle: Hello?
Mime: Allo. If you are going to see za new Prime Minister, then I want to go with you. He has passed a new law forbidding us French Canadians to drink wine.
Artist: How can ze French not drink wine?? Travestie!
Kyle: Okay, you can come with us.
Mime: Honh honnnh! Very good! Let us make haste!
French Canadians: There’z no Canada like French Canada, it’z za bezt Canada in ze land.
And ze ozer Canada.
Mime: Is a bullshit Canada
French Canadians:If you lived here for a day, you’d understand.
Mime: I think you’d understand. ...You understand.
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