Jewish Unity: Can We Ever Be as United as We Once Were? | Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt | Kol Nidre 5784

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt calls for Jewish Unity in the face of unprecedented division in Israel and offers a unique perspective on calls for American Jews to pressure the US to intervene. September 24, 2023 | Yom Kippur 5784 Rabbi Weinblatt and Cantor Kapell lead services at B’nai Tzedek from the Berman Sanctuary. About Congregation B’nai Tzedek: B’nai Tzedek is a welcoming, inclusive and innovative Conservative Jewish synagogue in the heart of Potomac, where members feel strongly connected to each other, our heritage and the broader Jewish community. Since 1988, Congregation B’nai Tzedek ha...s grown exponentially—from a visionary group of 25 people and our founding Rabbi, Stuart Weinblatt, to more than 620 families from all over the D.C. area and beyond. Our synagogue is the ideal size to offer diverse and interesting programming, while still maintaining a strong sense of community. Our vision is to be a leading Conservative community committed to perpetuating Jew
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