Yandere Simulator Male Rival Introduction Video

Original Music by © 2016 Taylor Ambrosio Wood, website: The artist who provided the character artwork for this video is named Koumi-Senpai: The 2D graphics that float around in the background - and the rival’s name plates - were created by Jacob Judge ( ). I received color correction and motion blur assistance from Andrew Taraba of Bizurk Software ( ). I was the person in charge of this video’s motion graphics (making the characters move around onscreen, etc). These are the talented men who generously lent their voices to this video: Osano - Matt Shipman Amao - Eric Dubyu Kizano - Ryan Hoyle Oko - Austin Hively Aso - Sean Chiplock Mujo - Steve Nunez Mido - Bradley Gareth Osorō - Patrick Seymour Hanakō - Kiba Walker Megamo - Brendan Blaber Info-kun - Jonah Scott
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