Шри Матаджи об Украине и России, .

“ I TOLD THAT THESE UKRAINE PEOPLE, WHY ARE YOU SEPARATED FROM RUSSIA?“ - SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI Felicitation At Unity International Conference The Claridges, New Delhi (India) April 6th, 1997 “I must tell you that if this mind goes on, it can make anyone mad. It can get identified with any idea. It can get identified with any person or stupid thing. And it can be [UNCLEAR]. So, it can lead human beings to wars or anything that will ruin unity between us. For example, I was talking to someone who wanted to have a separate state. I said why do you want to have a separate state. So the gentleman said, “You see, then we can have the Prime Ministers”. I said, why? Because he wanted to become the Prime Minister. Now in our country, we have the same. Our country has been divided into three more countries like Burma was a part of our country, Sri Lanka was a part, Pakistan and we also have Bangladesh. Now if you go
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