Raspberry Pi Pico VGA video output using only resistors

Building VGA output from a Raspberry Pi Pico. The Raspberry Pi Pico is amazing. Sections of the video so you can skip ahead 00:00 Intro 01:06 Pico Setup 03:35 VGA Resistor DAC 08:43 Program and Demo In this video I go through building the VGA output circuit using only resistors. It has a 5 bit DAC on each of the red, green and blue lines which means it should have 32,768 individual colours. In the video I mislabel 2 resistors. The resistor ladder should be 499 ohm, 1K ohm, 2K ohm, ohm and ohm in that order. It’s supposed to double each time, the linked schematic in the description is accurate here The full schematic just for the VGA output including RGB, HSYNC and VSYNC is here The demo code comes from the GitHub repo for see the links below. Please note this video is not sponsored in any way. There is a follow up video where I fix some of the colour issues I mention
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