Psychedelic Source Records - In Search of Ancient Mysteries (Full Album 2021)

In Search of Ancient Mysteries (2021) This is a compilation album by Pilot Voyager, Highbay, Slight Layers, Predictions and some other selected jam sessions by members of the Psych Source crew. In Process: Dávid Strausz, Dávid Nagy, Máté Varga, Krisztián Megyeri, Bence Ambrus, Robi Kránitz, Kriszti Benus, Áron Keresztesi, Ákos Karancz, Kristóf Bajnay, Matyi Olasz, Lőrinc Sántha, Gergely Gadolla @Psch Srce Rcrds ==== 1. Initiate 00:00 2. Realize 12:34 3. Seek 28:54 4. Progress 52:05 5. Repeat 01:00:29 6. Move Back From the Frame 01:08:25 7. See 01:10:51 8. Repeat the Process 01:14:35 ==== We are searching.. Following signs on right places in positions. Nothing else to do is: enjoying the process, having fun and sharing this as we can. So en
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