HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR - The Fantastikids

#HappyNewYear #TheFantastikids #LesEnfantastiques #MonsieurNô HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR - The Fantastikids A french “Enfantastique“ song adapted and performed by “The Fantastikids », an english children choir directed by Monsieur Nô. This choir is made up of twenty pupils from Ermitage, International School of France. Sous la direction de Monsieur Nô, la chorale The Fantastikids est composée de 20 élèves de L’ERMITAGE - Ecole Internationale de France. ► For discover and command the albums : or an English email at : lesenfantastiques@ ► Subscribe to our channel YouTube : or to our French channel with all the videos : ► Follow us in our french Facebook with all the news : --------
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