I never waste ripe bananas!🍌! No knead! No Sugar! Incredibly Easy, Soft and Fluffy

I never waste ripe bananas!🍌! No knead! No Sugar! Incredibly Easy, Soft and Fluffy Ingredients 1. Dough: 206g (2 pcs) Ripe banana 4g () Instant yeast 90ml (6tbsp) Milk 28g (2tbsp) Melted unsalted butter 350g () Bread flour/All purpose flour/plain flour 3g () Salt : Milk Unsalted butter Mold size : 8.9“x4.4“x2.2“ / Preheat the Oven at 170°C (340°F) bake for 22 minutes Instagram:☞ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🧡Thanks for watching! Please leave a LIKE and SHARE this video SUBSCRIBE my YouTube Channel for more videos and clicked the bell so you will not miss any of my videos I would be very glad if you subscribe and turn on the notification bell 🧡 -------------------------
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