Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959)
5 Preludes for guitar, (1940)
Prelude No. 1 - Andantino expressivo in E minor 00:00
(Lyric melody: Homage to the Brazilian sertanejo)
Prelude No. 2 - Andantino in E major 05:01
(Capadocia & capoeira melody: Homage to the carioca hustler)
Prelude No. 3 - Andante in A minor 08:12
(Homage to Bach)
Prelude No. 4 - Lento in E minor 11:35
(Homage to the Brazilian Indian)
Prelude No. 5 - Poco Animato in D major 14:58
(Homage to social life: To the young teenagers who frequent Rio’s concerts and theaters)
Goran Krivokapic, guitar
Imperial Hall at Kurfürstliches Schloss
🇩🇪 Koblenz, 2020
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Лекция 145. С.В. Рахманинов. Прелюдии опус 23, № 5 - 10, опус 32.| Композитор Иван Соколов о музыке.
4 months ago 00:18:03 27
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