00:00 宝石箱 Ⅰ (Jewel Box Ⅰ)
02:51 ガーネット (Garnet)
07:17 アメシスト (Amethyst)
11:46 アクアマリン (Aquamarine)
16:03 ダイアモンド (Diamond)
22:16 宝石箱 Ⅱ (Jewel Box Ⅱ)
24:08 エメラルド (Emerald)
28:18 真珠 (Pearl)
33:00 ルビー (Ruby)
37:07 ペリドット (Peridot)
40:36 宝石箱 Ⅲ (Jewel Box Ⅲ)
43:36 サファイア (Sapphire)
47:16 オパール (Opal)
51:38 トパーズ (Topaz)
55:04 トルコ石 (Turquoise)
Rip of the 1994 CD release from Victor.
This album is the fifth instalment in the Bioçic Music Series, a series of six albums that Toshiya Sukegawa (助川敏弥) recorded, with the assistance of Makiko Hirohashi (広橋真紀子) and Mitsuhiro Nagano (永野光浩), at the Bioçic Institute Of Environmental Music across 1993 and ’94.
Tracks 1–5 were composed by Mitsuhiro Nagano (永野光浩).
Tracks 6–10 were composed by Makiko Hirohashi (広橋真紀子).
Tracks 11–15 were composed by Toshiya Sukegawa (助川敏弥).
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