COOK INDIAN FOOD IN 30 MINUTES | Book shoot | What’s inside the book | Food with Chetna

MY NEW BOOK - ’Chetna’s 30 Minute Indian’ =zg_bs_66_15?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=0MH23S6HJR9QY4GYN14H BOOK IN AMERICA - =sr_1_1?crid=YZ8POC2MPVS9&dchild=1&keywords=chetnas 30 minute indian&qid=1623331456&sprefix=chetnas ,aps,264&sr=8-1 Hope you are enjoying my daily videos!!!! Please do like the video and leave me a comment, I love hearing from you guys. Best way to make sure you don’t miss anything is to SUBSCRIBE! Website - ​​​​ Twitter - ​​​​ Instagram - ​​​​ Facebook - Chetna Makan appeared on the Great British Bake Off in 2014 and won the ’Christmas bake off 2016’. Her first book ’The Cardamom Trail’ came out in April 2016. Her second book ’Chai, Chaat & Chutney’ came out in July 2017. Her third book ’Chetna’s
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