Celtic Music - Eventide

You can get the song here, together with all my other music, the song number is 270: You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish: Facebook: iTunes: Twitter: #!/AdrianVZiegler I made a Fantasy language, you can get the 423-page dictionary and a 735-page book of Fantasy names here: This song was born from the ending melody of my other song “High Tide”, which I wrote in just a few minutes but somehow it awoke such strong emotions inside of me that I decided to make it into an own, longer song, a song that can express the melancholy and feeling of being far away in thoughts more deeply, and especially for a longer duration, instead of a mere 50 seconds as it was the case in “High Tide”. I hope I succeeded and that it takes you off somewhere special inside your mind. =) All music composed and arranged on keyboard, by myself as always. The artwork was created by this great artist: © All audio material is copyrighted by Adrian von Ziegler.
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