Two Bad Bricks - Blue (original)

Two Bad Bricks’s new song “Blue“ is about being let down by someone you love. Initially, this song represented ruptured relationships in general, friendships and romantic ones as well. In some of my friendships in the past, I have felt like being the person who carries the relationship, like if no effort was made on my part, the whole thing would fall apart. But as I wrote these lyrics, I realized I was writing this from the perspective of someone who gets their heart broken by their lover who lives in a different city or country. One person is all in, and the other not so much. I wrote Blue about a year ago as I was about to leave Montreal for a year, leaving my friends, family and little cat behind. I was excited to go, but I also felt an interesting mix of melancholy and fomo. I felt a plethora of emotions and wrote some sad songs lol. Blue is about losing someone you care about, a relationship or friendship that is sustained by you, and then getting let down suddenly. I worked with my friend Ahmed Shaltout @amoriaspassion for the artwork, his brilliant mind came up with the concept of having roads lead up to this old phone to represent the long distance. Lyrics are pinned in the comments! ❤️ Listen to Blue everywhere: 🔔 Subscribe to the channel for more music content: 🔔 My (infrequent) newsletter for my original music related updates: ❤️ Follow Two Bad Bricks on Spotify: ❤️ Support us on Bandcamp: ❤️ If you feel like buying me a beer:
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