Mana Mei - The Warrioress, The Huntress, The Wild Woman

The spectrum of FEMININE EXPRESSIONS is vast and beautiful. Each expression has its power and its place in our experience of life. EXPLORE. Discover all the different archetypes you can embody. Today I call in The Huntress, some call her The Lioness or the Warrior-princess... She is a creature of duality. Unapologetically and simultaneously soft and fierce. Grounded in her truth and fearless in her expression. She is a shape-shifter. Unbound and unattached to any one way of being, she is responding. Total present awareness. Earth-bound, but filled with deep celestial breath. She exhales grace and inhales strength. Slither, slide, articulate and undulate, moving from the inside-out- fluid precise. Deeply connected to her body’s wisdom. She listens. She is a creature of the senses. Sensuality floods through her being like an untamed river flowing in every direction, she is utterly expansive. Yet beautiful contained. She hunts without expectation, attached only to the amplification of her own internal pleasure activation. She oozes stealth. Purrs of confidence. Her body is the only security she will ever need to feel safe in this jungle. She is both the Huntress and the Lioness… animal and human existing in perfect synergy.
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