Reel 1. Produced on the initiative of the Swedish Institute and the Swedish Tourist Traffic Association. A film from Stockholm by Arne Sucksdorff Svensk Filmindustri.
Street scenes in Stockholm. Children look out of a window at seagulls on the rooftops. Aerial shots of the city inter-cut with flying seagulls. Busy streets with cars, pedestrians, cyclists. Typists. Industrial processes edited to music. Shots from a moving vehicle with siren on the soundtrack. Man walks down a street looking at shop signs. He looks very hot. Water trickles down the outside of a shop window. He walks up some steps and sits in the sun. Cigarette drops from his hand. Lightning is superimposed on the sky and the rain comes down. Umbrellas go up. Children play in a sheltered doorway. People stand out of the rain. A man and woman exchange glances. The rain stops. Children go outside. The man takes the woman’s bag for her. Children play in the streets with a paper boat in the gutter.
See Reel 2.