A slightly different version of “A WAY TO A MAN’S HEART IS THROUGH HIS STOMACH.“ This commercial has the male Campbell soup kid refusing to have lunch with the female Campbell’s soup kid, simply because she was not serving Campbell’s soup. Since both of their names are Campbell, you would think that edible concoction would be eaten 3 times a day, and for every day of the week. They owe their very existence to Campbell’s soup.
Getting back to the story in the commercial. After the guy walks out of the house, the young lady asks her mother what should she do. Momma tells her to serve Campbell’s soup. The dim-witted guy returns to the sexy young animated girl only after she is willing to serve him a bowl of hot Campbell’s soup.
Most guys would place a higher importance on a young lady being a HOTSY-TOTSY, than with her knowledge of the importance of serving soup for lunch, even if it is Campbell’s soup. That is why I labeled the young guy a DIM-WIT.
I always thought than the Campbell’s Soup Kids were siblings. I guess in the animated world - ANYTHING GOES.
For more vintage pop culture, from the 1950’s, 1960’s & the 1970’s, you might enjoy visiting TV TOY MEMORIES
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