Band: Tormentor Allegoria
Album: Blackwine
Date: 2008
Genre: Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Country: Canada
Tormentor Allegoria:
1.[00:00] Morts pour rein
2.[03:04] The Henchman
3.[09:31] Blackwine
4.[13:53] Prophet of False Faith
5.[17:25] Voyage
6.[20:25] Facing the Dark Gods
7.[26:18] Burn the Heretics
8.[29:48] The Insurection
9.[35:05] A New Hope
Morkh - Vocals
Will - Guitars
Antoine Baril - Session Bass
Master Butcher - Keyboards
Nick - Drums
#SymphonicBlackMetalPromotion #SymphonicBlackMetal #BlackMetal
(Authorized upload by Tormentor Allegoria)