Блюдо из куриной грудки, с помощью чашки! Гости чуть не ”подрались” из-за этих гнезд

A recipe for the chicken breast, using the cup! My guests “fought” for these nests! Ingredients: chicken breast - 600 g ( oz) mushrooms -300 g (10.6 oz) onion - 100 g (3.5 oz) salt - 7 g ( oz) black pepper - 3 g ( oz) oil -15 ml (1 tbsp) potatoes - 250 g (8.8 oz) for the egg composition: sour cream - 80 g ( oz) eggs - 1 piece dill - 7 g ( oz) cheddar pressed cheese - 90 g (3 oz) Tray size 25 X 35 cm (10 in x 14 in) IN THE OVEN 180 °C (356 °F)/35 minutes “Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: “
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