France Vendée Puy du fou Le mystère de la Pérouse Animation complète

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world Click here to subscribe The majority of journalists around the world have chosen to develop their subject on controversial and sensational themes: violence, war, crime. But all these facts represent only 1% of our world and its inhabitants, forgetting the remaining 99% of which we never speak. I chose to visit every country on the planet and film them to present them in High Definition format but in a raw way, without music, without comment. Simply, reality in all its truth. Thus, you will be able to make your own idea of ​​the world in which you live. Currently, I have already visited nearly 170 countries and my world tour continues thanks to you who follow me. If you like my job, subscribe to my channel. You will be the first to know about new publications.
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