1 Hour Powerful Green Tara Mantra | Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha | Shyamatara

#Dolma #GreenTara #GreenTaraMantra #Shyamatara #Dolma #108TimeMantra 🙏🙏🙏 Please Like, Share “Powerful Green Tara Mantra | Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha | Shyamatara .” And subscribe to our channel Meditation Melody. Watch more at : Powerful Green Tara Mantra | Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha | Shyamatara 🙏 Who is Green Tara? The Green Tara (Sanskrit: Shyamatara; Tibetan: Sgrol-ljang) was believed to be incarnated as the Nepali princess. She is considered by some to be the original Tara and is the female consort of Amoghasiddhi (see Dhyani-Buddha), one of the “self-born” buddhas. She is generally shown seated on a lotus throne with her right leg hanging down, wearing the ornaments of a bodhisattva and holding the closed blue lotus (utpala). Green Tara is usually depicted as a compassionate being ready to step down from her lotus throne to offer comfort and protection from all of the sufferings we experience in the world. She is shown “in a posture of ease and re
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