’S NOT ALL TITS AND BIKINIS!! If you think living on a boat and sailing around the world is all tits and bikinis, think again! We’ve just sat out a 38 knot gale at anchor and now there’s yet another blow coming which is forecast at 44 knots!! We have no safe anchorage and nowhere to hide.
We find the best option for us as a family and decide to check out of Mozambique and head back to Richards bay before the storm hits. Except, the check out procedure is worse than checking in and we miss our weather window to sail to South Africa. We end up in a nasty situation of sitting at anchor in the Maputo Bay, being rocked and rolled around for a 3 solid days. Charlotte is not happy 😢
When the southerly calms down enough, we plan our sail back to Richards Bay. With the tides and the shallow waters, its not as easy as planning a road trip! But we head out and almost lose Midnight our cat!! After the storm, there’s always sunshine.... bikinis come out as we sail south 😃
Thanks for watching!
Much l