Swiss Apple Tart (Apfelkuchen)

This is a tasty, rich and traditional Swiss apple tart. See all the ingredients here: Ingredients / Zutaten: 1 pie dough / 1 Kuchenteig 3 apples / 3 Äpfel 2 eggs / 2 Eier 150ml milk / 150ml Milch 3tbsp ground almonds (or ground hazelnuts) / 3EL gemahlene Mandeln oder Haselnüsse 2tbsp sugar / 2EL Zucker 2tbsp flour / 2 EL Mehl 2tbsp crème fraîche / 2EL Crème fraîche 1/2 tsp cinnamon / 1/2TL Zimt Bake for 15min in preheated oven at 220°C/425°F Take out of the oven and pour egg mixture on top Bake for another 20 min at 220°C/425°F
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